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Top 25 cities in the world - readers choice awards
The Best Cities in the World:
Readers' Choice Awards 2018

Readers' Choice readers rated their favorite cities in the world.
Is your favorite on the list?

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Hawaii travel destinations
Hawaii - a place with a special taste!
On our planet a lot of amazing places but Hawaii - a place with a special taste. Any traveler dreams to come here. First of all, Hawaii impresses you with their primordial nature, unique culture and traditions, history and friendliness. Here you will make a lot of discoveries for yourselves. And no matter what your route - it will be always a journey of premium class.

Do not miss the chance to visit Hawaii and no doubt
it will be an unforgettable moment in your life! ALOHA!

SEE video - Fire dance show at the Hawaiian party

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Touch a native heritage
The 10 best museums in the world
The 10 Best Museums In The World
When you are going to travel, there are many ways to make your guided tour. But almost every route includes visits to museums. Museums always has magic atmosphere and creates a special feeling. Museums are an ideal place where you can finally take a breath and calmly to be engaged in the study of culture, traditions and history of the local region. Each museum can tell a lot and is in its own way unique.
But nobody in the world will be able to visit all the museums throughout their lives, so here we have to choose - which of them is the best? Is it the Louvre or the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Prado Museum or the British Museum?

So, to your attention - The 10 Best Museums In The World
in which the most important historical treasures of humanity, unique art works and antiques collections of the best masters of the our planet are concentrated.

SEE video - Three sculptures by A. Rodin about Eternal love

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A significant posts of interesting places to travel
A significant posts of interesting places to travel
The summer month of August is a colorful time for a vacation. There are the oranges and yellows of fire, the fiery redness of tomatoes and lobsters, the blues of pristine waters, and glorious sunsets under the midnight sun. Travelers in search of a colorful experience need only pick a destination for the fun to begin. Follow us to know what are for the best places to visit in August.
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Discover the beauty of nature
Europe's top 5 winter sun destinations
Europe's Top 5 Winter Sun Destinations
The summer - the usual time for the rest. Travel agencies offer a lot of exciting trips. Seas and oceans are eagerly waiting us.
Well, if in the winter? After all, the way to the warmth and the sun becomes longer. Where and how to spend our vacation in winter? Here are several options to meet again the summer without leaving Europe.

SEE video - Holiday Pet Parade in San Diego

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25 Most Photographed Cities
25 Most Photographed Cities
Cities - they are like people, with their especial face, character, past, with its melody. Each of them lives its own life, its rhythm, having absorbed emotions, effort and talent of many generations of its citizens. Among the cities there are both prima donnas as well as and simple hard workers. But they have one thing in common - they are always on the same podium of our life.
This is great intrigue and inspiration for photographers to feel their vivid personality in this variety, a especial charm.

So, to your attention: 25 Most Photographed Cities

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